Thursday, September 4, 2008


As I wait for my various family members to get off the ps2 and pop in a Star Trek, I decided to flesh out a few of my geeky-trekkie ideas. To be more specific: Wouldn't it be awesome if the Borg could assimilate a Q?
If the Borg could assimilate a Q, and I stress the "if", then the Borg would add the Q's abilities to their own--right? And since the Q are near-invincible, then the Borg would be near-invincible. I mean, come on, how spectacular would that be? Bad, yes, I'll admit, but spectacular as well, no? Imagine such an awesome episode... The Borg wouldn't even have to assimilate anymore! They would just go *pouf* and then perfection. Or some such thing. Of course, the rest of the Q Continuum wouldn't be too happy about that, so they'd probably wind up destroying the Borg (bout time, I'd say), which would be good and sad at the same time. It usually is the Continuum that ends up fixing problems that other Q's (usually Q) make. That would be so great, though... Q messing things up and getting assimilated, the Borg taking over everything in the blink of an eye, all hope lost... And then the other Q's would zap everything back to normal. So cool. Of course, there is the little problem that the Borg could never assimilate a Q, because the Q are, as I said, almost all-powerful. Oh well. That is a problem for another day.

For the record, I don't expect any of you to understand any of that (except my parents and Isaac, most likely, and even if you understand it you probably can't follow my train of thought). And that, my friends, is all.

Live Long and Prosper \\//


Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

Yep... understood everything you said. :D

Not that I dwell on these things... lol... but I got it...

Manwathiel said...

Someone who understood it! *is happy*

Anonymous said...

i didn't understand it... sorry. but when you go on a geek rant, i can go on a poetry rant. In french. neither might not understand the other, but thats okay.

Manwathiel said...

I can understand poetry rants, but not in French, alas. Oh well. We're strange friends, Meow, it's a wonder that we understand eachother at all. And yet we do...