Friday, December 21, 2007

Wielder of the Ring of Adamant

I am making this post for the sole purpose of announcing to the world that I, Manwathiel, am now the wielder of the Elven ring, Nenya. I finally was able to pick it up from the silver shop, so here it is!
I'm afraid that I wasn't able to get a very good pic...the lighting was awful. But anyway, my Nenya is based on the Nenya from the movies, although it has some subtle differences. I had it made out of solid silver and it is absolutely beautiful. I am very happy to finally have it... I could have probably made it a size smaller, but ah well, if my finger gets any fatter at least I'll still be able to wear it.

So I now wield an Elven Ring of Power. Fear me.
*dances away happily*

Oh! And you know the best thing? It only cost me $15.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yo kat-a-rina!!!!
the ring looks AWESOME DUDE!!!!!!
like AWESOME DUDE!!! that is so totally AWESOME DUDE!!!!!!!!