Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Books Missing...

Hey everyone, a bit of bad news from me. Yesterday I found out that about half of my book collection was stolen while I was in the US. You all know me and should know that my books are my most prized possessions, and now everything except my Tolkien books (which is about half of my book collection) and the few books that I had with me in the States are missing. This includes my Artemis Fowls, my Lawheads, my Redwalls, the Dragons in our Midst series, a couple books by Anne McCaffrey, The Case for Christianity, a collection of Sherlock Holmes, The Thrawn Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn Duology, and several other series. I feel kind of like I would love to do something nasty to the thief (please pray that I stop feeling like this). There is a possibility that we can get the books back, since there is only one place to unload English books in Cambodia, but we're not sure yet if we'll be able to. My only consolation is that maybe the thief will pick up The Case for Christianity or one of my devotionals and that God would work on his heart. Maybe this could end up working for the better, although I confess that I most definitely am not feeling optomistic about this...
Anyway, if you guys would pray that I handle this well--and that, if it is God's will, we could get the books back--I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!!!! i practically SCREAMED when i read this. and not the nice kind of screaming, either. the "i cant believe what happened thats so terrible" kind of scream.
how did it HAPPEN? where did you keep your books? in the house? i thot somebody was living in your house when you were gone? actually, just send me a rather lengthy email... pleez.
gosh... it made me think... you know, our house isnt THAT secure... i hope our things are okay and all that.

Anonymous said...

YOU had the Case for Christianity?!?!? DUDE!!! i SO wanted to read that! I can't believe you had it this whole time and i never even knew... yeah, that would be cool if the theif picked it up and was totally converted. actually, that would be really cool. maybe that's the reason they were stolen (sorry, sore subject, i know)
i shall again express my condolences for your loss...

Manwathiel said...

You didn't know? I was sure that I showed it to your or something... Sorry!
And yes, that would be cool. And if he was changed he would probably give my books back, which would be nice, although it would be more important him becoming a Christian than getting my books back...
But thieves aren't exactly the most literate fellows, so I'm not sure if he'd read it.