Monday, July 14, 2008

A Tribute to My First Camera

So as some of you know, and some of you do not, my first camera that I recieved most unexpectedly for my 14th birthday broke a week ago. I was heartbroken. My first camera! I have recently gotten a new one (and thus gotten into quite a bit of debt) but I will never forget my first camera. This post is a tribute to my camera. Here are several pictures that I took with my first camera. All pictures are copyright to me, Manwathiel, please do not save them, copy them, reproduce them, or any such thing.

With all that said... I give you a tribute to my first camera:


Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

Nice pics... sorry about the camera... you know, in all the years I've had a computer (well... not my 100%...) I've never actually had one completely just... stop working. usually it'd come back a week later after my mom spend several nights fixing it up.

But I suppose computers are different from cameras?

Anonymous said...

well, yes, computers are different from cameras in many ways... (although of course there ARE some similaries, like, they both are TECHNOLOGICAL gadgets and all that). but what i was REALLY going to say was "OH KATHERINE I FEEL SO SORRYSORRYSORRY FOR YOU!" and also, "don't SCARE me by making me imagine what i would feel like if MY camera broke!" cuz that would be a disaster, considering that Canon is one of my bestest friends.
yes, you definitely need to give a tribute, as you did. very professional. i would have done the same. *nod*

Anonymous said...

hey cool!! you got blog of the day too!! so did meow, and i did a couple of months ago and lisa too.
sorry about your camera!! it's body is gone (is it? you probably have it sitting on a shelf somewhere cos you're such a packrat, don't deny it) but it's memory lives on in our hearts... kind of. not really.
luv ya :)
i DID get your text, even though im in BKK, i just can't text back. i'll call you straightaway when i get back, i promise - i hope you're settling back into life here well. luv ya (oh wait, i already said that!!)
- abbs x

Manwathiel said...

Thank you, everyone =). And yes, cameras go faster than computers, sadly...
Abby, you know me too well...

Actually, my camera didn't just stop working, the lens broke, and it would have costed $100 to fix it, and the camera was only worth $130, so it was just better to get a new one...