Wednesday, March 12, 2008

City on the Moon

There is a city on the moon,
A city of silver and gold.
The city that glimmers in the night,
Through the ne’er ending gloom.

The city is thousands years old,
More old than lives of men.
E’er since the garden’s fall,
The city stands in the biting cold

In the darkness and in the light,
The luminous city still is there,
Shining with crystal and opal and pearl,
On moon, or earth, all that is bright.

But only one mortal has seen this city fair,
And ne'er shall eyes see it again.
Lost to the world of Elves and Men,
Gone is the Moon-city, for evermore.


Anonymous said...

OH my GOSH did you write that?!?!

i LOVE IT!!! but it should be ne'er ending, not n'er ending...

lots of love x

Manwathiel said...
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Manwathiel said...

Jah, I wrote =).

Ok, thank you for pointing that out, I argued with myself about which one was right for about half an hour and finally had to guess O.o, thank ye.