Monday, April 7, 2008


So I've been wanting to get a second piercing on one of my ears for quite a while... And I finally got parental permission. But being me, I'm too cheap to pay to have it done, or to pay for new earrings. Several of my friends recently got their ears done at Toul Tom Poung, where someone just took the earring and popped it in, no machine or anything. I considered doing that, but I'd still have to buy a new earring. So I came up with a simple solution: Have Dad pierce it! Dad said ok, but later changed his mind... So I decided to pierce it myself. I cleaned off an old earring with rubbing alcohol, fiddled around with making different dots on my ear, finally found a good place to pierce my ear, and started to stick the earring in. Well, long story short, it went through, and I now have joined the ranks of those-who-have-pierced-their-own-ear. I was going to do the other ear too, but after doing one I kind of wimped out. So now I have two holes in my right ear and one in my left. Yup yup. I'm probably going to regret it later... But for now I am very happy and very proud of myself =).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yayayay! im proud of u, too. now i can say that i have a crazy friend who pierced her own ear. that's you! im so glad ur my fwend...