Monday, April 28, 2008

World of Coke

You didn't know that Coke had their own planet, did you? Well, they do.
Ok, so not really.
But they do have their own city!
Or rather, their own building.
Which isn't really a "World."

But we'll let them get away with calling it one, agreed?
Well, my friend, my cousins, aunt and uncle, and other family members and I went to the World of Coke last week. We watched a 3-d movie that involved being splashed with water (real water), knocked out of your moving chairs, and getting jabbed in the back by an *extremely* painful stick-thing. It was awesome.

Oh yes, we also got to look at tons of Coke memorabilia (I know, I know, I spelled that wrong, give me a break), which was fun, and we got of all...drink as much as we wanted of pretty much every beverage that Coke owns! Included among these was various juices, iced tea, root beer, fanta, sprite, coke, cherry coke, vanilla coke, coke zero, diet coke, diet cherry coke, diet vanilla coke, diet vanilla cherry coke, beverly, fruit-fanta, and too many other beverages to list.
I drank waayyyy too much. But it was awesome. I do believe that Brad, Kristine, and me drank almost every drink in the place--and that's a lot. Just trust me on this one, however, NEVER try the Beverly. Never. Never never never. If you value your life you will believe me.

Piccys for all!
Oh yes, and at the end...I got a free coke! =)


Anonymous said...

sweet. wish i was there. xx mmmmmmmmmm sugary carbanated drinks....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

abby!! I KNOW thats you!!!

Anonymous said...

what? who? me? WHAT? no! seriously, it wasnt me. okay.. this is freaky...

Anonymous said...

mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! you will NEVER know who i am!!!!

Anonymous said...

thats weird.. x

Anonymous said...

katherine? do you know who "your worst nightmare" is? gosh... if we know you, then please... SHOW YOURSELF!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha. this is so much fun. *giggles* do ya get it?

Manwathiel said...

Abby? Not Abby... HANNAHW???? Not, I don't know!! Not Kristine either. Worst Nightmare, show yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine name begins with many different letters, for I have many names. Some call me Crazy, some call me Great. I also am the lover of Jack Sparrow the Great.

Anonymous said...

What?? NO! I AM, YOU FREAK!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, sorry worst nightmare. but jack sparrow is jessica's. you cant have him.

Manwathiel said...

So...MyWorstNightmare must be Meow. Yes?

Manwathiel said...

Bwa! I have figured it out. Every single previous comment was from my dearest Meow. IMPERSONATOR!!!

Anonymous said...

fine fine, you're right its true. but dont you feel so popular, seeing like 15 comments on one post? it looks like EVERYBODY has commented! lol... yeah. btw... POST! i luv 2 hear from u and the last couple times ive checkd up on ur blog its nothing NEW.... just post something.. ANYTHING! random.. profound.. me no care. me just miss you

Manwathiel said...

Indeed, it does =). I know, I know, I'm working on a biggie...