Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Ha! I remembered what it was I was going to say at the bottom of my last post.

I realized that I think weird. I don't normally talk weird, for the most part, but I think weird. For example... I saw a really awesome statue of a viking-like-person at Disney yesterday (the pic is in the below post). Now, most 15 year old girls would think something along the lines of "That's cool," or "that's awesome," if they thought the statue was cool or awesome... Well, I thought it was cool and awesome, but I didn't think the phrase "that's cool" or "that's awesome." To be precise, the first thing that popped into my head was "That's so Volksung." Most 15 year olds don't know what the Volksung saga is. And most wouldn't think "That's so Volksung." Anyway... Once again, that made no sense.



Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

just found your blog... looks interesting... better done than my blog...

anyways... remember to read mine, OR ELSE!


you will most likely read about Medieval Total War for the next few weeks... as thats about all I'm doing... besides school...

Anyways... bye...

Manwathiel said...

Better done than your blog? Nah. You've been blogging much longer, I believe. Haha! I'll read your blog, don't worry! I love that there is someone else on planet earth who makes big blog posts. Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

i must be an average 15 year old then, cuz i dont know what volksung is. so educate me. explain. im longing to know.

Anonymous said...

volksung reminds me of volkswagen (sp?) beetles... which makes me sign and imagine myself in a cute black bug riding across the country. in the US, of course, on huge nice paved roads going 60 mph easily.


Manwathiel said...

It's an epic mythology, Jessica, I recommend Wikipedia. Oooh, Wikipedia doesn't have anything on it...Shocking. Shocking. I'll just have to give you a complete plot-analysis when I see you next. *nod*