Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm still an Elf with an Elf-bow and I promise, this time I will actually tell you about the Archery (in other words, part III)

So, where was I? Oh yes, taking aim with the arrow. So, as soon as I strung my bow I looked straight towards the target and let it fly--the arrow spun forward like lightning and struck the target smack in the middle! Ok, so that's what I *wish* happened... What really happened was the arrow fell of the T (see previous post to know what on earth I'm talking about. You still might not know). Very impressive. The arrow fell off the T. Well... so I put the arrow back on. But I couldn't aim properly. So after several tries and the arrow falling off the bow, the very nice teacher-person showed me how to tilt my bow to the side (which looked awesome), so the arrow wouldn't fall off. So I aimed and shot the arrow, and surprise surprise, I hit the target! Not only that, I hit about the third circle, which was very nice. Oh, and I also killed my arm. Not very nice. I believe I finally know what the point of the arm-guard is. And instead of hitting the arm-guard the string (it snaps forward, propelling the arrow off the bow, obviously) hit my arm. Hard. It's swelling up into a lovely bruise now. It hurt, but of course I would never admit that. Oh wait, I just did... But anyway. Was a little wound going to slow me down? Of course not! I grabbed another arrow and shot again. Well, this arrow went straight over the target. Alas for me.

Now, the third arrow.... Ok, so you don't want a complete analysis of every single arrow that I shot. So I won't give you one. But GG and Kristine were shooting too. They did great! Both got an arrow a little over an inch from the middle. So we kept shooting. It was the funnest (is a word) thing ever! I didn't want to stop! So we kept going... After about an hour Kristine stopped, but I kept going. Ohh, it was so fun. Finally GG said that we had to go... So I asked for one more round. GG said alright, so we shot another round. One more? Yes. So we did one more. And then one more. On my very last round I *finally* hit the yellow (middle circles)!! And here's the best thing....I hit closer than anyone else! Ok, so only about a centimeter closer than Kris' and GG's close arrow... Maybe even less. But it was a bit closer! I was so happy. So then we went home. But oh, I didn't want to stop. But I had to. So I did. But it was so fun! I am going to try to somehow take up an archery class somewhere, somehow. And that, my friends, is all. And I did finally get to the archery part!


Jessica *meow* said...

there you go! true elf! you even look elfy(yes its a word becuase i decided to create it).
awesome... sounds great i wish i was there. then we coulda had a competition!

Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

lol... took a long time to say that...

anyways... glad you had fun!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed archery all over again by reading your blog! (The same with Epcot....) Love, G.G.