Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm an Elf with an Elf-bow doing Elf-archery (Part 2--the part with the archery)

Yes, this is the moment that you've all been waiting for (or not). Now that I have told you about the pottery in my previous post, I will get on to describing the archery. Well, as you can imagine, the moment GG mentioned that she had done archery previously with one of my cousins I leapt at the chance to do it. Kristine and GG loved the idea of doing it too, so the day before yesterday we set out to do some archery. First we went and picked up our bows (they were red), arrows (half were broken), and arm-guards. After a bit of trouble we managed to get our arm-guards on (mine was backwards--thankfully, a guy at the archery range told me and I was able to switch it before I started) and drove over to the archery range. At the archery place there were many, many different kinds of targets. There were the ones with twelve circles, the big standard targets with one big circle, big bags of hay or something, etc. They were all different lengths away. There were two men there, one obviously the teacher and the other the student, who moved over and let us have the...*cough* I'll admit it, the closest target. But it was still pretty far away! The teacher was also nice enough to show us how to shoot. And you know, the Elves make it look sooo easy. You have to stand with your left side facing the target, your legs spread out slightly. You take your bow and tilt it to the right (you know what way to hold it because there is a piece on it where your hand goes that is kind of shaped like a T. the line on the T goes above your fist). With your left hand you take an arrow and place it on the left, top side of the T (the I in the T is lined up with the bow itself), then there is a notch at the other end of the arrow and you stick it in the middle of two plastic pieces. Then, holding the bow itself with your left hand, you take the string in your right hand, with one finger above the arrow and two below, and you... Oh. I have to go.

I promise, the next post will actually get to the archery part!


Anonymous said...

sounds very complicated. its true. the elves DO make it look super easy. well, since they're like 1000s of years old, i guess they have had a LOT of practice.

Anonymous said...

you look very elf-like, and yes i have heard that it is really hard and takes a lot of strength to actually pull the string back at all and apparently professional archers end up really really deformed cos they train and one arm gets really buff and the other one is normal cos they use the same arm all the time to pull back the string... i wonder how elves stay in absolute PERFECT form? i guess they are, like, elves.

lots of love x